Thursday, September 30, 2010

What Exactly is a PLN?

I've been looking at a bunch of different sites, trying to figure out what a PLN is exactly. I noticed billions of different answers because a PLN can't really be defined. It stands for PERSONAL Learning Network so a PLN is your PERSONAL way of learning. This can be done in many different ways. Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, Skype and many other online tools can help you connect with other people and set up a network where you can all share ideas. It's all about figuring out a common interest and working with each other. When you find a network that interests you, you can discover new ways of learning. A PLN is special in that it is different for everyone. You just have to figure out how you learn.

-Akash Patel


Unknown said...


This is a great explanation of a PLN! I really don't think I could have described it better myself.!

Anonymous said...

This is a great blog, Akash. It is captivating, precise and truly informative!!! I'm glad that I'm a PLN groupee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yea!!!!!!!!!!!! : - )

susan price said...

I think that this is a great blog, Akash. I'm glad that I'm a PLN follower. Your blog was very precise, informative and very-well done.

Unknown said...

Well done on your explanation of a PLN. I applaud you for not defining it, because in essence, a PLN is what ever you make of it. As you stated, a PLN is at its roots a personal experience. That experience can be what ever you want it to be. It can be a friend who you skype with or someone who you exchange book reviews with in India. The best PLNs, however, are organized and precise. There should be a common thread and the content exchanged for learning purposed should be credible and interesting to both parties.

I wish you all the best as you set out to discover and build upon your own PLN. Well done!

Janet Avery said...

Nicely said! PLN's are exactly that - personal. For some they are professional in nature - but still personal to them. Great insight - thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Akash, I like your description of a PLN a lot as it sums up what is most important. - How do you think developing a PLN for yourself will pay off, and how would you like to contribute to it?