Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"A Web 2.0 Class: Students Learn 21st Century Skills, Collaboration, and Digital Citizenship" Response

This article was fun to read. It is great to see how everyone is recognizing the connections we make with other students. I think everyone should connect with a student from somewhere else other than their home town. It's fun to meet new people who live in a different society. Learning about different people and their homes is always interesting and fun. I personally loved the shout out in this article and I like the fact that this class is being recognized. Web 2.0 is a fun class and everyone needs to try it out. Builing a PLN starts off slow, but as time goes on, it starts to get really fun.

Link to article: http://www.edutopia.org/blog/web-20-21st-century-skills-collaboration-digital-citizenship

-Akash Patel

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